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Bisichi PLC is a fully listed mining company and its principal activity is coal mining and processing in South Africa. The company’s strategy is to create and deliver long term sustainable value to all our stakeholders through our business model which can be broken down into three key areas:


Acquisition & investment

The Group continues to oversee responsibly its legacy coal mining operation Black Wattle Colliery and its coal processing operation Sisonke Coal Processing, both located in South Africa, as well as actively to seek and evaluate new alternative mining related opportunities.

In addition, we seek to balance the high risk of our mining operations with a dependable cash flow from our UK property investment operations and listed equity investment portfolios.

The company primarily invests in retail property across the UK as well as residential property development. The UK Retail property portfolio is managed by London & Associated Properties PLC whose responsibility is to actively manage the portfolio to improve rental income and thus enhance the value of the portfolio over time.

The Group’s listed equity investment portfolios comprise primarily of entities involved in extractive and energy related business activities, including entities involved in the extraction of commodities needed for the clean energy transition.


Production & sustainability

The Group strives to mine its remaining South African coal reserves in an economical and sustainable manner that delivers value to all our stakeholders.

Black Wattle, is an opencast mining colliery, located in the Witbank Coalfield near Middelburg, Mpumalanga. Black Wattle currently has a life of mine to 2029. Black Wattle produces low phosphorous, low sulphur bituminous coal which is suitable for use as an Export Quality Steam coal and as a feedstock for the Ferrochrome Industry South African domestic market.

Bisichi PLC currently own 62.5% of the legacy mining operation with the other 37.5% owned by Vunani Mining (Pty) Ltd (“Vunani Mining”). Vunani Mining’s ultimate controlling entity is Vunani Capital Partners, a black empowered company listed on the Equity Express Securities Exchange in South Africa.


Processing & marketing

The Group seeks to achieve value from Sisonke Coal Processing, its South African coal processing operation through the washing, transportation and marketing of coal into both the domestic and export markets.

Sisonke Coal Processing is located 3 kilometres south of Middelburg, Mpumulanga. The operation beneficiates Run of Mine Coal in a dense medium processing plant and produces a range of washed sized coal products for its domestic and export customers.